If you Google the term Semi-Virtual Economy you won’t find anything. However, I think the term is fitting for what Mirandus could become. Allow me to explain…
Most MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) Games with open worlds have a virtual economy. What makes it virtual? Well, the goods are virtual. The currency is virtual. And in the past the economic impact in the real world has been limited to what a person chooses to invest INTO the game. Very little comes out. Or at least it used to be that way. Over the years people began to discover ways to monetize game play and make money from it in the real world. It is that overlap that I am referring to as Semi-Virtual. In-game items and currency have started to matter more in the real world.
Today “virtual” real estate can sell for just as much as physical real estate. So while the asset may be in a virtual / digital form, the economic impact is no longer virtual. We have now entered the era of Semi-Virtual Economies.
I will write more here soon. This will suffice as a placeholder.
The real value of the site at this time is in the NFT asset library for Land Deeds and Buildings.